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Concernant la présentation orale.

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Il y a quelques petites erreurs comme "Our PTA project" =} "applied technical project", ou "In a first time" =} In my first part, ou "then our experiences" =} "then our experiments", ou "the oïl pulling technique =} "the oil extraction technique, ou "none of our experiences" show that…." =} "none of our experiments" show that…"

Attention à la prononciation de certains mots comme "research", "determine", "approach", "various", "theme", "areas", "concrete", "scientific", "ageing", "softening", "improves", "product", "cold-pressed", "quality", "hugh", "whole", "incite", "toothpaste", "types", "microorganisms", "proved"

Il faut bien prononcer les "s" à la 3ème personne du singulier et après chaque mot au pluriel, exemple "our project focuss", "various issues", coconut oil benefits,

C'est bien présenté et ton texte est bien écrit.

coconut oil




Our PTA project focuses on coconut oil and more specifically its benefits.
The purpose of our research is to determine if the method of "oïl pulling" promotes good dental hygiene.

If our group has chosen the theme of coconut oil, it is because today we hear more and more about its benefits in many areas. It is true that this is intriguing, which is why we have sought more information on the subject of coconut. In the end, there has been very little concrete scientific evidence of its effects. So, is it just a fad?

1) The approach and the various issues of the project

Indeed, it is said that coconut oil is good for the skin and dander being moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging, softening and repairing. In cooking it has vitamin, antioxidant and anti-diabetic benefits, is good for the immune system and prevents cardiovascular disease.

We decided to focus on just one area of coconut oil's benefits. This is its inhibitory power on contact with bacteria and toxins in the mouth, using the "oïl pulling" technique.

In the following case, coconut oil reduces plaque, fights gum disease, whitens teeth, improves oral health and attacks bad mouth bacteria.

The interest of this project is therefore to see whether coconut oil mouthwash is effective and whether it can replace chemical mouthwashes.
Coconut oil is a natural product and it is essential to choose it carefully. That is to say, coconut oil from organic farming, virgin, cold-pressed and without adjuvants or additives.
These criteria are essential in order to have a better performing oil, richer in benefits and to preserve all the nutrients of the coconut, without altering their quality.

According to some sources, good oral hygiene has a huge impact on the functioning of the rest of our body. The method of "oïl pulling" would then have an impact not only on our mouth but on our whole body. Thus ensuring good health.

The "oil pulling" technique

His protocol is very simple:

1- Take a tablespoon of oil
2- Circulate the oil all over the mouth (15-20min)
3- Be careful, do not to gargle!
4- Spit it all out
5- Rinse properly with water
6- (We can now swab as part of our test)


Oïl pulling is a method known as ayurvedic, it is a form of unconventional traditional medicine originating from India.
The oïl pulling is a mouthwash that we make with oil to which we can eventually add essential oil, here we only use coconut oil.
The oïl pulling is meant to whiten the teeth, increase the energy level, help detoxify the body, reduce headaches, promote a healthy skin, keep a regular production of hormones.
However, this technique should not be overestimated, it does not replace tooth brushing and does not sufficiently destroy the dental plaque, we have also seen that it represents a risk of lipoid pneumonia.

In conclusion, the "oil pulling" method, if it is effective, could encourage the purchase of organic products, incite to treat with ayurvedic and natural methods and can reduce some packaging (toothpaste or mouthwash).

The disadvantage of this oil mouthwash is that it is long, as it is known that most mouthwashes only have an effect when they remain in contact with the tissues of the mouth for at least 30 seconds. While "oïl pulling" takes 30 to 40 times longer to act than a classic mouthwash. It is also unpleasant and therefore impractical.

One of the main goals of our experiments is to compare the effectiveness of coconut oil with classic products such as mouthwash and toothpaste on our oral flora.

And the mouthwash?

Of course, mouthwash and "oïl pulling" are not used alone and do not replace tooth brushing.
Its effect is to keep gums and teeth healthy and to limit inflammation if it is used well.
Most mouthwashes contain a high dose of alcohol, so misuse can lead to problems.
Then there are many different types of mouthwashes to suit specific problems.

Oral hygiene routine

There are many factors that can influence a good or bad cleaning of the teeth.
The type of toothbrush, electric or not, the shape of its head, the type of bristles etc., there is also the frequency of use of cleaning products, the way to do it (the movement).

2) Our Experiences

  • Session one:

- Control of the purity of the products to be tested
We test the purity of the following products, toothpaste, mouthwash & coconut oil on GTS.

- Observation of the types of microorganisms present in our mouths
Each student tests the microorganisms in their mouths on blood agar, GTS, Sabouraud & Chapman.

- Enumeration of bacteria present in our mouths
This experiment is carried out on CPA before and after the use of one of the products to be tested.

  • 2nd Session:

- MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) of coconut oil
For this experiment, the minimum inhibitory concentration of coconut oil is determined for 3 types of microorganisms (Candida albican, Staphylococcus Aureus and E. coli).

- Enumeration of coconut oil bacteria on PCA agars

- Coconut oil inhibition test on different media and different microorganisms
The inhibitory power of coconut oil is tested by comparing two cans with the same medium but a different microorganism. The microorganisms are (Candida albican, Staphylococcus Aureus and E. coli) and the media are (Chapman and Sabouraud)

- (Testing the manufacture of a coconut oil agar)
To see if we can grow the microorganism afterwards.

  • Group session:

-Determine the MIC of coconut oil in a liquid medium
For this experiment the minimum inhibitory concentration of coconut oil is determined for 3 types of microorganisms (Candida albican, Staphylococcus Aureus and E. coli).

-Evaluation of the bactericidal activity of coconut oil by dilution-neutralization method.
This experiment is done in a CPA environment (surfusion).

-Study of e.coli growth in the presence of coconut oil.
For this experiment we observe the growth at the spectrphotometer.

-Verification of the microorganisms present in coconut oil
The medium (CPA, Chapman, Sabouraud) are poured over droplets of melted coconut oil.

Evaluation of the bactericidal activity of coconut oil by dilution-neutralization method

We came up with the idea of conducting an evaluation of the bactericidal activity of coconut oil after seeing him in a bacalaureat type subject we were given. In this subject, the aim was to test the effectiveness of a disinfectant or antiseptic product.

Since it is being investigated whether coconut oil inhibits the growth of microorganisms in the mouth. It is then necessary to test its bactericidal activity, so that is the purpose of this protocol. (Evaluation of the bactericidal activity of coconut oil)
Some modifications had to be made to the protocol of this experiment. Coconut oil does not dilute on contact with an aqueous medium. Therefore, to promote mixing, LT100 broth was added to make the initial suspension. LT100 medium is intended to dilute, neutralize and (can be used as an enrichment medium).

So we're looking to see if coconut oil could exert bactericidal activity on the microorganisms in our mouths. We select three types of these microorganisms, likely to be present in the mouth (which may be similar). A yeast (candida albican), an enterobacterium, gram - (e. coli) bacillus and a gram + (staphylococcus aureus) bacterium.
(The choice of microorganisms for our experiments is limited by our rights of use and the contents of the strain).

candida.png e.coli S.aureus


3)The results

Unfortunately we are a little disappointed with our results. Of course this is normal, for a first try, because failure is the basis for success.

  • Session one:

Control of the purity of the products to be tested

Colonies were found on the agar with the mouthwash and coconut oil, not on the agar with the toothpaste. The presence of colonies may be due to external contamination. So we ran the experiment again. The result remains the same, so the coconut oil and the mouthwash are impure products and therefore a source of potential bacteria.

Observation of the types of microorganisms present in our mouths

Every fourth, we conducted this experiment. We all concluded the same thing, the oral flora is poly microbial that there is the presence in more or less small quantities of Enterococcus candida and staphylococcus. It is not possible to determine all types of microorganisms in the mouth; their numbers vary from person to person.

Enumeration of bacteria present in our mouths

Mouthwash reduces the number of microorganisms in the mouth, brushing teeth also while coconut oil increases it.

For the moment coconut oil is not pure and it does not destroy the microorganisms in the mouth.

  • 2nd Session:

MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) of coconut oïl

The results of this MIC are unreliable, because the coconut oil was poorly diluted with the broth. All the microorganisms tested grew in the tubes.

Enumeration of coconut oïl bacteria on PCA agars

This experiment was flawed because the oil does not mix well with the agar. We did not perform it.

Coconut oil inhibition test on different media and different microorganisms

We noticed that the coconut oil did not inhibit the microorganisms because there were more bacteria in the agar with the coconut oil than without it.

(Testing the manufacture of a coconut oil agar)

This test is impossible for the same reason as the others. The oil does not dilute (it's obvious and we knew it but this experiment was one of our ideas).

  • Group session:

Determine the MIC of coconut oïl in a liquid medium

For coconut oil to inhibit the various microorganisms its concentration must be high.
Coconut oil is not very effective, it has the same effect on all microorganisms (e.coli, candida, staph. aureus).

Evaluation of the bactericidal activity of coconut oïl by dilution-neutralization method.

(test carried out for the second time but with LT100)

This test proved that coconut oil did not work (on a 5 min contact time). Because a lot of bacteria were found on the agar CPA.

Study of e.coli growth in the presence of coconut oïl

This experiment showed that coconut oil did not inhibit all bacteria because a high spectrophotometric absorption was obtained.

Verification of the microorganisms present in coconut oïl

The same result was obtained as in the first session.
Coconut oil contains microorganisms.


The objective was to find out whether the "oïl pulling" method promotes good dental hygiene.
None of our experiments showed that coconut oil can eliminate (capture) or inhibit micro-organisms from the oral flora.
On the contrary, it could even be a source.
It is therefore difficult to say that coconut oil is beneficial. It would be necessary to continue research and study its impact on our mouths in the long term
and perfect the precision of our protocols.
In any case this beginning of research about "oïl pulling" is not very positive.
The use of toothpaste after each meal and the occasional mouthwash is the method to follow while waiting to learn more about "oïl pulling".

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