Tes erreurs sont les mots qui sont barrés dans ton texte et les corrections sont celles qui sont soulignées en gras. Ton texte est assez bien écrit et la durée est convenable (4:44 mins). Par contre, certains phrases/mots sont mal prononcés.
A l'oral il y a quelques petites erreurs par rapport au texte :
"prohibited by law and consider" =} "prohibited by law and considered
Attention Ă la prononciation de certains mots comme : "first", "defined", "society", "how", "evolved", "us", "hatred", "punished", "France!", "crime", "death", "sanctioned", "children", "years", "also", "punished", " imprisonment", "Iran", "Saudi Arabia", "great"
Il faut bien prononcer les "s" Ă la 3ème pers. au singulier,…
Tu aurais eu environ 7/10 pour cette partie de l'oral.
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The idea of progress
I’m going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress.
First of all l would like to give a definition of the idea of progress :
A the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development
or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better
place. Most often progress is a positive change that allows the development of new technologies,
sciences and social structures that will improve our society. However, progress can also sometimes
be negative. For this we will answer the following problem question :How has homophobia evolved over
time ? First we will see how homophobia was considered before. Then in a second step part we will see the homophobia currently.
1/ First of all,
homosexuality is the fact of people being attracted to people of the same sex as hers them . And homophobia is manifestations the expression of rejection or hatred towards homosexual people. At the time A long time ago homosexuality was not authorized in any country under penalty of being punished, for example in France, this was the cas as it was prohibited by law and considered as a crime. But in some countries like Spain, homosexuality was considered a crime and could go as far as the death penalty. But also there was the United States and Russia, which sanctioned homosexuality with the death penalty. In the UK it was considered a crime punishable by death (by hanging). In India homosexuality can be was punished with a ten-year prison sentence but also and in cases with life imprisonment. Certain religions take a negative view and even condemn homosexuality. Because several religions like Islam, Christianity but also Judaism do not accepthomosexuality because he they considers that sexuality is used to have children so that the human species continues to exist. Before nineteen hundred ninety homosexuality was considered by the World Health Organization as a mental illness. Over the years, the vision of homosexuality to change has changed in some countries but not all.
2/ Currently,
we can see that the situation has changed in some countries. For example twenty-six countries legalized the marriage of homosexual couples on the total totality of their territory such as France, Belgium, Germany, the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom and many others. But this is always complicated in today’s society as the there are property owners who do not want to rent their accommodation to a homosexual couple, but also they homosexuals are victims of discrimination within their family or their neighborhoods. There is also some work sectors where homosexuals are not done discriminate discrimanted against . But they also suffer a lot of agression like insults of a homophobic homophobic insults, physical violence, psychological abuse on the internet, within their families, at work and even in public places. But if homophobic discrimination is punished by finies fines or imprisonment in some countries this does not prevent numerous agressions. But there are still seventy-two countries penalizing homosexuality by beig putting them in prison, torture by torturing them -but also and even with the death penalty as in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Qatar, Sudan but also Somalia. Finally in some countries like in France homosexuals cannot donate blood.
To conclude,
we can see that there has been a great evolution of the mentality of people on regarding homosexuality in certain countries even if it still remains always a sensitive subject in our current society the vision of homosexuality to change positively as time measurement. Je n'ai pas compris la fin de cette phrase