Tstl Emma D S Page3


Tes erreurs sont les mots qui sont barrés dans ton texte et les corrections sont celles qui sont soulignées en gras. Ton texte est bien écrit mais c'est trop court! (3:47 mins). Et le son n'était pas terrible !

A l'oral il y a quelques petites erreurs par rapport au texte :

"The notion of progress usually calls up a movement forward" =} "The notion of progress usually "calls to mind" or "evokes" a movement forward.

"…and the generally immune deficiency in all people with it" =} -….and the generalized immune deficiency in all people with it"

Attention à la prononciation de certains mots comme : "how", "thought", "thrush", "pneumonia", "realized", " also", "thought", "HIV", "plan", "through", " ill-informed"

Il faut bien prononcer les "s" à la 3ème pers. au singulier,…

Tu aurais eu environ 6/10 pour cette partie de l'oral.

Appuyez sur le lien ci-dessous pour écouter votre présentation orale sur la notion l'idée de progrès:

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The idea of progress

How the idea of AIDS has evolved over the time?

The notion of progress usually evokes a movement forward. We imagine progress as a positive change that will be better than the past and develop new technologies, sciences and social structures that will improve our society.

That's why we will ask ourselves how the idea of AIDS has evolved over time.

In the first time part , we will study the what people thought about AIDS in the past. In the second part, we will talk about the AIDS today.

In the early 1980s, Dr. Gottlieb treated homosexual patients in Los Angeles with weight loss, yeast infection, fever, oral thrush, pneumonia, as well as a significant decrease in immunity.

In 1981, scientists around the world realized the link between various manifestations of this disease and the generalized immune deficiency in all people with it. We talk about an epidemic because all the continents are were affected.

Scientists are also discovering that transmission of the virus is was not just sexual. It can also be done by blood.

However, people who had AIDS were discriminated against. Indeed, many lost their jobs because the bosses were afraid for their own health and thought that they would get AIDS if they shook the hand of someone infected. Even the lawyers did not want to defend these people who had lost their jobs because of this discrimination, because the lawyers were also afraid of being infected. As a result, people with AIDS were left alone and without jobs.

Living with HIV today means being able to plan for the future through treatment. But it also means going through a lot of physical tests and, above all, having to face society's gaze again.

Then, today people are better informed about HIV / AIDS and therefore they know that it is not transmitted by shaking someone's hand or by sweating. So they are less afraid and reject less people with HIV. Unfortunately, there are still people who are surely ill-informed and therefore discriminate against HIV-positive people.

To conclude, we can say that today people infected with HIV / AIDS live better because they are on treatment that lowers the viral load and they therefore no longer transmit the virus to others. Unfortunately, some people still discriminate against people with HIV.

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