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Titre : Arnie wants Mexican border closed

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Appuyez sur le lien ci-dessus pour écouter l'enregistrement et répondez aux questions ci-dessous :


a. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants the USA-Mexico border closed. T / F Your answer =} T

b. He wants the borders closed to combat drug and people trafficking. T / F Your answer =} F

c. An assistant realized his blunder and jumped to his rescue. T / F Your answer =} T

d. Arnie’s aide said he wants the borders tightly sealed. T / F Your answer =} F

e. Arnie described security at the Mexican border as “lax”. T / F Your answer =} F

f. Arnie believes American states should have more control over immigration. T / F Your answer =} T

g. A Democrat said Arnie had an open-minded approach to immigration. T / F Your answer =} T

h. Arnie’s views were said to be politically extreme and irrational. T / F Your answer =} F

2,5/4 pts

2.SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

Example (a) combat = fight

(a) combat……./………. jump =} combat = fight

(b) tough-talking……./………. assistant =} tough-talking =opinionated

(c) aide……./………. slack =} aide = assistant

(d) clarify……./………. fight =} clarify = ?

(e) impromptu……./………. faux pas =} impromptu = unreheared

(f) lax……./………. curtail =} lax = ?

(g) lamented……./………. opinionated =} lamented = deplored

(h) pounce……./………. unrehearsed =} pounce = ?

(i) gaffe……./………. straighten out =} gaffe = faux pas

(j) ratchet down……./………. deplored =} ratchet down = ?

2,5/4,5 pts

3.PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):

Example (a) Schwarzenegger has called for the USA to close the borders

(a) Schwarzenegger has called……./………. to his rescue

(b) volunteering……./………. limitation

(c) An aide was quick to jump……./………. extremists

(d) impromptu……./………. his views

(e) damage……./………. to pounce on Arnie’s gaffe

(f) border……./………. for the USA to close the borders

(g) He stressed……./………. policy-makers

(h) Democrats were quick……./………. the need for tougher measures

(i) political……./………. security

(j) rational……./………. immigration


Ecrivez vos réponses à la question 3 ci-dessous :

(a) Schwarzenegger has called for the USA to close the borders

(b) volunteering this views

(c) An aide was quick to jump to his rescue

(d) impromptu =} ?

(e) damage =} ?

(f) border security

(g) He stressed the need for tougher measures

(h) Democrats were quick =} ?

(i) political extremists

(j) rational Policy markers

3/4,5 pts

4.Choisissez 4 questions (n'importe lesquelles) et rédigez une réponse en anglais (30 mots environ pour chaque réponse):

a. What’s your initial reaction when you see an Arnold Schwarzenegger headline?

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b. Was there anything in the story that was typical of Arnie?

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c. Did you agree with anything you read?

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d. What do you think of Arnie?

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e. What do you think of the American dream?

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f. What do you think of Mexicans illegally crossing America’s borders?- I'm not shocked by the fact that Mexicans are crossing the U.S. border. Like everyone else, they're looking for work, to earn money, to feed themselves and their families.

3/3 pts

g. Shouldn’t Arnie be more understanding, considering he was once an immigrant?

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h. Do bad actors make good politicians?

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i. Do you like Schwarzenegger movies?

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j. Are Arnold Schwarzenegger’s views those of an extremist?

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k. Is illegal immigration a problem in your country?

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l. Are you happy with the immigration policies your country has?

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m. What problems do illegal immigrants cause?

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n. What are the benefits of immigration, illegal or otherwise?

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o. Do illegal immigrants fill a gap in the labor market?- For example, in France, many people are looking for work right now but there is not much room available. Indeed, immigrants are taking an important place in the labour market.

3/3 pts

p. What should be done to illegal immigrants if they are caught?

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q. What do you think of a world without borders?- If the world were borderless, it would surely create a lot of conflict, economically, politically and culturally. There would also be a lot of trafficking, such as drugs, weapons…

3/3 pts

r. Would you like to emigrate to another country?

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s. Have you ever worked illegally in another country?

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t. Have you ever made an impromptu speech?

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u. Have you ever jumped to someone’s rescue?- Several months ago now I was waiting at my bus stop and an elderly person fell in front of me and broke his wrist. So I called 911 and they took her to the hospital.

3/3 pts

v. Did you like this discussion?

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