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Concernant la présentation orale.
La durée est parfaite (5:33 mins),
Quelques erreurs à éviter : il faut utiliser le futur pour introduire le sujet, par exemple "oil-pulling method" =} "oil-extraction method", "wear a blouse or protection" =} "wear a labcoat or protection…", "we'll make =} do an experiment…", "…because the bacteria have to grown =} grow ", "the is are 3 types of bacteria, one big white, one little white and one yellow =} mal dit
Attention à la prononciation de certains mots comme "determine", "toothpaste", "product", "study","blood"
Il faut bien prononcer les "s" à la 3ème personne du singulier et après chaque mot au pluriel, par exemple "if the oil-extraction method is beneficial and inhibits …, "protect ourselves ", "There is are many risks in….", "the mouthwash contains",
Le phrase suivante est mal dite "The experiment consists in using one product per member and drop off on plates the cotton swab with the cheeks bacteria"
"The mouth houses has several types of bacteria",
C'est très bien présenté et ton texte est bien écrit.
Coconut oil group
Our objective is to determine if the coconut oil or if the « oil pulling » method is beneficial or bad to inhibit bacteria
Thirst of all we need to protect ourself from possible risks.
Theres is many risks in laboratory and we need to wear a blouse and protection gogles to avoid them.
Then after being aware you can start working on the experiment.
For our experiment we are comparing the inhibition of the toothpaste, mouthwash and the coconut oil.
To proceed with the comparison, we will make an experiment :
The experiment consist in making plates with the 3 differents products
Thirst of all we drop off a drop for each products in differents hemolysis tubes and after that we deposit the content of the tube on the plate
We need to wait at least 24 hours because the bacterias have to grow.
The goal of this first experiment is to determine if the products are infected
After a day of waiting we can see the result:
Observation Interpretation Conclusion
mouthwash TSA We can see two types of bacteria .
A white and a yellow bacteria The mouthwash contain bacteria It is not pure
Toothpaste TSA There is no bacteria The toothpaste is sterile It is pure
Coconut oil TSA There is three types of bacteria
1 big white
1little white and 1yellow The coconut oil is not sterile It is not pure
Then after that we need another experiment
The second experiment will determine the mouth flora after each products in the groop
The experiment consist in using one product per member and drop off on plates the cotton swab with the cheeks bacteriaAfter that you wait minimum 24 hours until the bacteria grow and you see the results
Observation Interpretation Conclusion
TSA Alexandre White points, 2 types of colonies The mouth houses several types of bacteria The strain studied is polymicrobial
Chapman Alexandre White points, low presence of colonies, one type of colony The mouth has bacteria that can grow on Chapman Presence of staphylococcus
Sabouraud Alexandre White points, low presence of colonies, one type of colony The mouth has bacteria that can grow on Sabouraud Presence of candida
Blood agar Alexandre Greenish points, high présence of colonies, one type of colony The mouth has bacteria that can grow on a blood agar Presence of Enterococcus
TSA Jonathan Transparents points, 2 types of colonies The mouth houses several types of bacteria The strain studied is polymicrobial
Chapman Jonathan White points, transparents, 2 types of colonies The mouth has two types of bacteria that can grow on Chapman Presence of staphylococcus and possibly Bacillus, Enterococcus or Micrococcus
Sabouraud Jonathan White points, transparents, 2 types of colonies The mouth has bacteria that can grow on Sabouraud Presence of candida
Blood agar Jonathan Greenish points, high présence of colonies, one type of colony The mouth has bacteria that can grow on Chapman Presence of Enterococcus
TSA Taïs White points, 3 types of colonies The mouth houses several types of bacteria The strain studied is polymicrobial
Chapman Taïs White points, low presence of colonies, one type of colony The mouth has bacteria that can grow on a blood agar Presence of staphylococcus
Sabouraud Taïs White points, low presence of colonies, one type of colony The mouth has bacteria that can grow on Sabouraud Presence of candida
Blood agar Taïs Greenish points, high présence of colonies, one type of colony The mouth has bacteria that can grow on a blood agar Presence of Enterococcus
TSA Léa no results no results no results
Chapman Léa no results no results no results
Sabouraud Léa no results no results no results :
Blood agar Léa no results no results no results
Then we are counting the bacteries with PCAMouthwash treatment 100 10-1 10-2 10-2
With treatment >300 >300 154 12
Witheout traitement >300 >300 >300 122
Coconut oil treatment 100 10-1 10-2 10-3
With treatment >300 >300 >300 271
Witheout traitement >300 >300 >300 236
Toothpaste treatment 100 10-1 10-2 10-3
With treatment >300 >300 76 42
Witheout traitement >300 >300 >300 >300