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Titre : Arnie wants Mexican border closed

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Appuyez sur le lien ci-dessus pour écouter l'enregistrement et répondez aux questions ci-dessous :


a. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants the USA-Mexico border closed. T / F Your answer =} T

Arnold Schwartzeneger want the USA- Mexico border closed for fight illegal immigration.

b. He wants the borders closed to combat drug and people trafficking. T / F Your answer =} F

He said at a press conference that the border was too easy, he said that stricter measures had to be ordered to prevent illegal crossings.

c. An assistant realized his blunder and jumped to his rescue. T / F Your answer =} T

It was his press secretary who intervened, Margita Thompson. She intervened to prevent him from saying other mistakes that could destroy his career

d. Arnie’s aide said he wants the borders tightly sealed. T / F Your answer =} F

He said that borders need to be more secure so as not to have illegal entry but he did not say that they need to be closed

e. Arnie described security at the Mexican border as “lax”. T / F Your answer =} T

He justified himself by saying that the authorities have few means of immigration controls

f. Arnie believes American states should have more control over immigration. T / F Your answer =} T

because he said it was unfair that people could move around the country easily across borders in this way

g. A Democrat said Arnie had an open-minded approach to immigration. T / F Your answer =} F

On the contrary fabien nunez said that arnie should not advance on the subject of immigration he said that he had a « narrox-minded approach to immigration Â».

h. Arnie’s views were said to be politically extreme and irrational. T / F Your answer =} T

indeed to nunez the ideas of the governor looks like those of extreme irrational politicians views.

4/4 pts

2.SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

Example (a) combat = fight

(a) combat……./………. jump =} combat = fight

(b) tough-talking……./………. assistant =} tough-talking = opiniononated

(c) aide……./………. slack =} aide = assistant

(d) clarify……./………. fight =} clarify = slump

(e) impromptu……./………. faux pas =} impromptu = straighten out

(f) lax……./………. curtail =} lax = curtail

(g) lamented……./………. opinionated =} lamented = deplored

(h) pounce……./………. unrehearsed =} pounce = slack

(i) gaffe……./………. straighten out =} gaffe = faux pas

(j) ratchet down……./………. deplored =} ratchet down = unrehearsed

2/4,5 pts

3.PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):

Example (a) Schwarzenegger has called for the USA to close the borders

(a) Schwarzenegger has called……./………. to his rescue

(b) volunteering……./………. limitation

(c) An aide was quick to jump……./………. extremists

(d) impromptu……./………. his views

(e) damage……./………. to pounce on Arnie’s gaffe

(f) border……./………. for the USA to close the borders

(g) He stressed……./………. policy-makers

(h) Democrats were quick……./………. the need for tougher measures

(i) political……./………. security

(j) rational……./………. immigration


Ecrivez vos réponses à la question 3 ci-dessous :

(a) Schwarzenegger has called for the USA to close the borders

(b) volunteering =} his views

(c) An aide was quick to jump =} to his rescue

(d) impromptu =} immigration

(e) damage =} limitation

(f) border =} security

(g) He stressed =} the need for tougher measures

(h) Democrats were quick =} to pounce on Arnie’s gaffe

(i) political =} extremists

(j) rational =} policy-makers

4/4,5 pts

4.Choisissez 4 questions (n'importe lesquelles) et rédigez une réponse en anglais (30 mots environ pour chaque réponse):

a. What’s your initial reaction when you see an Arnold Schwarzenegger headline?

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b. Was there anything in the story that was typical of Arnie?

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c. Did you agree with anything you read?

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d. What do you think of Arnie?

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e. What do you think of the American dream? -I think it’s an idea of the American success that some people want to have, one idea of life in the U.S.A

2,5/3 pts (réponse trop courte)

f. What do you think of Mexicans illegally crossing America’s borders?- In my point of view I think that these people may not have the choice, they prefer to leave their country because of the war or because of poverty.

3/3 pts (réponse un peu trop courte)

g. Shouldn’t Arnie be more understanding, considering he was once an immigrant?

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h. Do bad actors make good politicians?

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i. Do you like Schwarzenegger movies?- I like his movies because he’s a charismatic actor and because I love science-fiction and the films of fights combat

2/3 pts (réponse trop courte)

j. Are Arnold Schwarzenegger’s views those of an extremist?

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k. Is illegal immigration a problem in your country?

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l. Are you happy with the immigration policies your country has?

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m. What problems do illegal immigrants cause?

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n. What are the benefits of immigration, illegal or otherwise?

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o. Do illegal immigrants fill a gap in the labor market?

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p. What should be done to illegal immigrants if they are caught?

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q. What do you think of a world without borders?

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r. Would you like to emigrate to another country?

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s. Have you ever worked illegally in another country?

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t. Have you ever made an impromptu speech?

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u. Have you ever jumped to someone’s rescue?

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v. Did you like this discussion? - I like liked this discussion because it’s a current topic that concerns all countries and it is always interesting to see different opinions on this topic.

3/3 pts

2) Synonym Match :
a) combat → fight
c) aide → assistant
b) tough-talking → opiniononated
d) clarify → lump
e) impromptu → straighten out
h) pounce → slack
g) lamented → deplored
f) lax → curtail
i) gaffe → faux pas
j) ratchet down → unrehearsed

3) Phrase Match :

a) Schwarzenegger has called for the USA to close the borders
b) volunteering his views
c) An aide was quick to jump to his rescue
d) Impromptu immigration
e) damage limitation
f) border security
g) he stressed the need for tougher measures
h) Democrats were quick to pounce on Arnie’s gaffe
i) political extremists
j) rational policy-makers

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