Tst2s Margot L S Page3
Tes erreurs sont les mots qui sont barrés dans ton texte et les corrections sont celles qui sont soulignées en gras. Ton texte est bien et la durée est parfaite (4:59 minutes)) et il y a des mots mal prononcés dans ta présentation orale.
Tu aurais eu environ 10/10 pour cette partie de l'oral.
A l'oral il y a quelques petites erreurs par rapport au texte :
"it can not be transmit through these channels =} "it can not be transmitted through these channels
"the greatest challenge of —youryy timey =} "the greatest challenge of our time"
Attention à la prononciation de certains mots comme : "usually", "better", "society", "frowned upon", "AIDS", "virus", "research", "responsible", "HIV", "declared", "also", "shark", "chewing", "set", "whether", "transfused drug users", "practices", "saliva", "sweat", "tears", "search", "blood", "proteins", "RNA", "PCR", "emphasize", "aware", "us"
Appuyez sur le lien ci-dessous pour écouter votre présentation orale sur la notion l'idée de progrès:
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The idea of progress
The notion of progress usually evokes a movement forward. We imagine progress as a positive change that will be better than the past and develop new technologies, sciences and social structures that will improve our society.
However, sometimes progress can have a negative connotation. First of all, some progress tends to be frowned upon by some members of society who enjoyed the status quo. Others consider that progress does not only bring positive elements to society but can contribute to deteriorating the wellbeing of society. I'm going to define my problem question which is this : What is AIDS ? Then in the first part I'll explain prevention and diagnostic-screening. And to finish the various researches research.
AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (which comes from the English Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome, AIDS ) is the terminal stage of a virus infection that causes the destruction of immune system cells by a retrovirus. There are several retroviruses responsible for AIDS, the most important being HIV, infecting humans which is divided into two groups. Indeed, there are two groups of HIV, HIV-1 generally fatal and present worldwide and HIV-2, located mainly in West Africa whose infected people have a survival chain. AIDS is said to be declared when the immune system has become ineffective. The body is then defenseless and is no longer immune to all kinds of microbial infections that affect the lungs, intestines, brain.We can also notice in a document seen in class that two men shake are shaking hands and we see shark teeth chewing a man's hands . So this causes an exchange of blood and there can be a disease that will then set in.There are several outs ways of transmission, such as: by sexual voice contact , this infection occurs mainly when two people have unprotected sex whether they are heterosexual or homosexual, and also blood transmission and this mode of contamination is mainly observed in injection, hemophiliac and transfused drug users.
The goal of prevention is the widest possible adoption of practices that prevent transmission of the virus. During sex, condom use is the only effective way against HIV and STIs. The virus is too small in saliva, sweat, tears and urine, it can not be transmitted through these channels, nor by any gesture of daily life. Screening allows a person to know if they have HIV, and in this case, to have them benefit from medical care as soon as possible. It consists of a blood test that detects the virus itself or the antibody manufactured by the body to defend itself. It is now possible to find out if a person has HIV about 15 days after infection. At this stage the first infection occurs, often accompanied by fever and angina. HIV treatments do not remove the virus and the risk of transmission, so people with HIV must avoid situations that may transmit the virus. There are two types of screening : ELISA, The term ELISA comes from Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. It is a process that allows to measure antigens and antibodies through the use of a marker. In the ELISA method, these markers are enzymes. This method can detect antibodies that are directed against a virus or bacteria. Then by a confirmation test by western blot: a technique that allows to search in the blood serum for antigenic proteins and especially proteins from a virus or antibodies directed against the proteins of the virus. In newborns, a direct diagnosis is made: co-culture of blood cells taken from children with lymphocytes, and then detection of viral RNA by PCR. Indeed, antibodies crossing the blood-placental barrier, thus being HIV-positive at birth, are only a reflection of that of the newborn's mother.
Despite all the efforts of the researchers no vaccines have yet been able to destroy the AIDS virus very repelled in the world. The discovery of a vaccine is the greatest challenge of our time. The overall strategy to destroy the virus would be to attack it with anti-viral products, prevent opportunistic infections with antibiotics, restore immunity by immunomodulators and treat possible cofactors that can aggravate the disease. AIDS is due to HIV, which mainly affects T4 lymphocytes, which are essential for our body's immune responses. The gradual decline of HIV-infected LT4s leads to the collapse of our immune defences, allowing the development of opportunistic diseases, which cause the death of patients. Treatments are becoming more effective, but they still need to be improved and the development of an HIV vaccine is being studied. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of screening.It is essential to make young people aware of the dangers of AIDS, because this epidemic is everywhere, above all of us. Sometimes trust in a partner is not enough: you often ignore yourself as HIV positive. No vaccinations are available to date, and there is no cure for AIDS. You have to think about protecting yourself, and above all, talking about it and getting tested.
page revision: 7, last edited: 12 May 2020 12:20