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Tes erreurs sont les mots qui sont barrés dans ton texte et les corrections sont celles qui sont soulignées en gras. Ton texte est bien et la durée et parfaite (5:21 minutes) mais il y a quelques mots mal prononcés. J'ai remarqué aussi que tu as arrêté l'enregistrement plusieurs fois alors qu'il fallait le faire en une seule prise!
Tu aurais eu environ 9,5/10 pour cette partie de l'oral.
A l'oral il y a quelques petites erreurs par rapport au texte :
"Progress is a study evolution towards a better stage" =} "Progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage"
Attention à la prononciation de certains mots comme : "thus", "defined", "study", "once", "known", " pneumonia", 'unknown", "ignorance", "even", "fined", "dollars", "isolated", "hung", "recognized"
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The idea of progress
We are going to deal with the notion « idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage. It is thus the idea that the world can become a better place in terms of technology, politics or medicine. Progress is defined as any kind of improvement.
In order to illustrate this story, we’re going to see “ How has the vision of AIDS evolved over time ?”. At first we will study how people affected by AIDS were treated 30 years before and finally how people affected by AIDS are seen today.
To a large extent the beast has been tamed, turning what was once a virtual death sentence into a treatable condition. It was the early 1980s when the disease began to appear in the US. The first known cases involved previously healthy, young gay men, who had succumbed to rare and aggressive forms of cancer and pneumonia. It wasn’t long before an assumption was made that this new illness was linked with to gay communities – one of its earliest names was GRID, which stood for gay-related immune deficiency. Most media portrayed AIDS as a “near-exclusively gay disease”, and this despite the fact that one third of AIDS patients in New York are were not gay. Fear of an unknown disease and ignorance of its modes of transmission may explain some of the discrimination against AIDS patients. Stigma is the unfortunate consequence of the process of attributing to the disease the characteristics of those it affects.
Rescue workers and paramedics take minimum of precautions without even knowing if it will do anything Je n'ai pas compris le sens de cette phrase . In California, artificial respiration classes are were prohibited as in New York, funeral home employees refuse refused to touch the bodies of victims of the__ "gay sickness". In Washington, the municipal authorities ordered all doctors to communicate to the National Institute of Health the names of their patients with this disease under penalty of being fined $300 and 90 days in prison.
Americans are were afraid to catch this disease, they no longer dare dared to kiss or even shake hands for fear of being contaminated. Many doctors talk talked about homosexuals as if they were animals that should be "isolated". The unfortunate people who suffer suffered from AIDS are were scapegoats, the disease was only a pretext to display the homophobia reigning at that time.
However the shadow of Aids has hung over the world for over three decades but a lot has changed in that time, both medically and socially. Despite the fact that AIDS is still a frightening disease, attitudes have evolved a lot: homosexuals are no longer the scapegoats of this disease. There is now a cure to fight this scourge and life expectancy has increased despite the fact that this virus remains devastating and causes many deaths every year.
Conclusion :
AIDS has long been seen as a homosexual disease that could be transmitted not only through penetration but also through human contact which has discriminated caused discrimination against homosexuals but fortunately mentalities have evolved and this disease is no longer recognized as a homosexual disease.
page revision: 9, last edited: 13 May 2020 14:10