Carla L S Page

Your project was interesting. However, you should have made it much more "personal". I know you carried out some research to do the work on this project but your texts should be entirely written by yourself and not "taken" directly from some website or written by someone who speaks perfect English !The objective is that you learn how to write YOUR OWN TEXT by summarizing information you have found on the internet. I'm sorry to say that your project doesn't fully correspond to this objective!

Your mark is 11/20

The secularism

I will present a project that is close to my heart is : secularism.

First of all, what is secularism ?

Secularism is a neutral attitude to religions: a secular state is a state that does not recognize or subsidize any cult.

Secularism in France is based on three main principles that determine what is permissible:


The first is freedom of conscience, it is the freedom to believe or not to believe in a religion. It is accompanied by the freedom to practice one's religion, not an example is that of respecting Lent in the private and public spaces, subject to the failure to disturb public order Confus - je ne vois pas de rapport entre cette partie de la phrase et le début de ta phrase!

For those working in the public sector this is the second principle that applies, this one is based on the strict separation of the state and religious organizations.
The state or local authorities cannot pay any religious leader or finance a religious building. This principle is accompanied by the neutrality of public services which implies that state and local authority officials such as a nurse, teacher or town hall employee cannot display their beliefs by wearing signs or attempted attempting to convince their colleagues.
Finally, the third principle enshrines equality of all before the law, it is accompanied by equal access to public services which implies that all persons who wear religious signs can access public services commle the like hospitals. In the public service of education on the other hand there are specificities.
In schools, colleges junior high and high schools students are not allowed to wear ostentatious religious signs. The principle is to protect minors from possible clarifications to avoid conflicts between them and those who do not and to promote the development of critical thinking. However at university, students can display their beliefs .
The law on secularism is neither pro nor anti-religious, it seeks to guarantee religious freedom while respecting public order.

The secularism consists of several dates:
1882:Jules Ferri's law, when school becomes became public and secular.
9 December 1905: Law of separation of church and state. Since there is this law the French state is neutral, i.e. it does not judge any religion or oppose one.
1940-1944:The Vichy regime called into question the law.
15 March 2005: The law prohibits the wearing of religious signs in public schools, colleges junior-high and high schools.
9 September 2013:A charter of lay-off has been instored and consists of fifteen articles.

There are several countries that are not secular :


Like Norway, Greece and Germany.

There was a big controversy over the wearing of the veil:

One day, a class cancelled his a visit to the fire station on Monday, October 14 in Creil (in the oise) because a firefighter refused the presence of an accompanying mother wearing a headscarf. An incident that comes came a few days after an elected RN representative took a woman's veil asked a woman who was accompanying his her child and his her comrades to take off her veil to the regional council of Burgundy.
Reaction: The President of the Republic called on people 17 October 2019 to "be intractable with the communitarianism sectarianism and between the fight against terrorism and Islam. "Let's block and do not divide ourselves to fight first and foremost against radicalization in our society, let us work for the Republic to be everywhere," the Head of State added at a press conference after a Franco-Allemend summit in Toulouse. Edouard Philippe told the assembly on 15 October that he did not want to "make a law on school accompagants" accompanying adults on school outings . The Prime Minister prefers to focus on 'community drifts' and 'out-of-school'.
In conclusion: the debate continues to divide the parliamentary majority as well as the government. MP Aurore Berger said she was ready to vote on a proposal drafted by Eric Ciotti to impose religious neutrality on accompanying parents.


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