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This document is a picture =} This document is a text and a picture !

**prononciation des mots suivants "composed", "church", "wearing", "attacked"

It's composed of box =} In the picture we can see coffins!

There are people who had disinfect the box =} There are people who are disinfecting the coffins

There is a lot of death??? in the church =} Je n'ai pas compris cette phrase

There is a person with suit protection =} There is a person wearing protective clothing

There are many ditch the virus =} There have been many deaths from….

and a hospital are full =} and hospitals are full

a country of the world are attacked by the virus =} A lot of countries in the world are concerned by the virus

the teacher James Naismith =} Professor (il n'est pas professeur!)

say there will be a lot of ditch =} says there will be a lot of deaths

the teacher James Naismith say you have to follow the love to fight the virus =} saysJe n'ai pas compris cette phrase

and there are less ditch in the world =} and there will be less deaths in the world


Il faut travailler ton anglais !

Et voici le texte : Coronavirus live news: Spain records new highest daily death toll, as Syria reports first Covid-19 death


Patients in the UK dying now were infected around a month ago, weeks before the country started social distancing, an expert has warned.

Professor James Naismith, director of the Rosalind Franklin Institute at the University of Oxford, spoke out after a further 209 people died after testing positive for coronavirus in the UK.

Although this is a lower number than the 260 deaths the previous day, he warned it is too early to draw conclusions, underlining that “daily numbers can be lower (or higher) than expected due to random factors”.

Prof Naismnith said: “I am confident that provided we follow social distancing the increase in deaths will stop and this will be followed by a decrease in the daily numbers.

“It can take up to two weeks from infection to onset of symptoms. For over 80% of people these symptoms are mild, for the much smaller number who develop the most serious illness, intensive care is needed around 10 days later.

“For those who do not recover but die, data from China suggests this takes around another four days. The tragic deaths today will be from people infected roughly a month ago. It is inevitable that there will be more tragedies for families ahead.

“We can reduce the final death toll only by following current Government advice. We must expect and welcome changes in Government advice as science, medicine and social science work together to learn more.”

The Guardian, 29 March 2020

Ci-dessous votre compréhension orale du fichier "Cosmetic surgery"

Cosmetic surgery

C’est un documentaire/reportage sur une jeune fille qui a réalisé de la chirurgie esthétique pour ressembler aux autres filles de Californie :

Une personne qui s’appelle Marilla a eut une opération a 19 ans a cause d’une bosse. Marilla veux un nez parfait comme les autres en Californie. Elle a trouvé cette technique de chirurgie dans des magazines. Ça a pris une semaine pour guérir. Les parents de Marilla n’étaient pas d’accord pour l’opération. Elle a demandé a personne, elle a décidé toute seule. A 16 ans, elle voulait faire l’opération et c’étais pas une décision rapide. Elle voulait un changement physique et c’est difficile de réparer une partie de son corps. Michael Jackson a coupé son nez.

And here is the script

- compare it with your summary in French and see how well you have understood the document.

Maria, who is 19, recently had a nose operation to remove a bump. She is being interviewed by Jennifer.

Jennifer : - Why did you decide to have cosmetic surgery?

Maria : - I'm actually a pretty girl, so I thought that if I got my nose done then I would be perfect. And there's so much pressure living in California to look perfect, that I just, I wanted to have the whole complete package, you know?

Jennifer : - Did you just decide to do it on your own or did someone suggest it to you?

Maria : - Well, actually my friends think I'm crazy that I did it, but I actually really wanted to do it because I saw all kinds of articles in different magazines and I read a bunch of information on it before I chose to do it. And it just didn't seem like it would be so bad, it wouldn't hurt so much, it only takes like a week to really heal.

Jennifer : - What did your parents think about you getting the nose surgery?

Maria : - My parents weren't very happy about it because you know they made me the way I am and they think I'm perfect as I am, so I think they were a little disappointed. But, you know, they accept me for what I've done and I’m old enough to make my own decisions now.

Jennifer : - What difference did the surgery make in how you feel about yourself?

Maria : - I feel great about myself now and I'm happy that I did it…

Jennifer : - Do you think anyone who doesn't like something about the way they look should have surgery?

Maria : - Well I think it's something you should take seriously. It's not like a quick snap decision. I've wanted to have this done ever since I was 16, but I wanted to wait until I was finished growing so I didn't make any mistakes. And I've thought about it my whole life. You know, I just think that you should put a lot of thought into it because once you get a change, a physical change, it's hard to fix it. I mean, look at Michael Jackson. He just kept cutting at his nose and cutting at his nose and now he'll never be able to get it back and he looks really scary.

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